Monday, March 16, 2009

For Jewelry LVoers

For those of you who like to travel with a boatload of jewelry (ahem...Jee) and can never seem to find the perfect carrying case for them, have no fear! Louis Vuitton is releasing two new pieces for the Monogram Canvas and Vernis collection. Pictured above is a tie-a-knot jewelry case that would fit snugly in any luggage. This piece reminds me of tool sets sold at the Home Depot. Now, if you prefer a stately and luxurious case, why not consider the Vernis one pictured below. Patterned after cases of a lost era, this travelling jewelry box would surely fit your diamonds, pearls and even Angelina Jolie's famed Columbian emeralds. Slated to be released this April, no prices are available as of yet. LVoe it!!! Photo of cases: Jenny


  1. The tie knot case looks so cute! Haha. Wonder how much they would retail for... Hmm...

  2. i saw the prices on tpf....the vernis is about 800$ and the monogram is 700$ those are estimated though...i can't remember...sorry...i love the vernis one


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