Saturday, April 11, 2009

He is risen!

A Blessed Easter to All!!! LVoe it!!!


  1. "is" represents the present...
    "risen" represents the past...
    they contradict each other...
    it should read, he "has" risen.

  2. Thanks for the brief English course but this statement is a direct quote from Holy Scripture (King James Version): Matthew 28:6 "He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay."
    Set to words by Cecil Alexander, (1846) and music by Joachim Neander, (1680); it is also a hymn that is sung by lowly Catholics like me everywhere. This is our Easter cry! This is our Easter morning testimony!

  3. Are you going too far? I don't think it's appropriate to put Jesus here. Since Easter was over, is it ok to ask you pulling HIM off the website? Just asking...No offense...

  4. My Faith is very much part of who I am. Since this is my blog, please respect whatever I choose to post on it. Thanks for visiting.


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