Monday, July 16, 2012

A Short Weekend in New York

Ever since it opened in May, I have always wanted to see the Met exhibit Schiaparelli and Prada: Impossible Conversations.  This past weekend presented an opportunity to go, so I dragged my friend Chris from New Jersey to come with me.  Each time I visit the Met, there is always something fresh to see.  Take for example this ornate ceiling which greeted us as we bee-lined to the exhibit.
 But an unfolding beauty is definitely a weakness of mine, so I stopped to admire this piece.
Also, there was a Lachaise who is fast becoming one of my favorite artists!
Who could miss the imposing Dali?
But what really impressed me was the Kwoma Ceiling; part of a ceremonial house of a group of people in New Guinea.
The exhibit was inspiring but sadly, no photos inside.
After all that walking, I needed to take a rest but didn't even noticed that a Roman Youth from the Flavian Period was behind me. 
Of course, our last stop for the day was the Kusama-ified Maison at 5th Avenue.

 Here's Chris reveling among the dots.
The waxen figure of Yayoi was a bit creepy but LVoe, LVoe, LVoe it!!!

Thanks for LVooking!


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