Tuesday, October 13, 2009

From Australia with LVoe

Shopping hauls from Paris always thrills me but a honeymoon haul is doubly special. Jessica from Down Under was married on September 5 this year and she and her hubby flew to the City of Lights to celebrate the happy union. No trip to Paris would be complete without passing through the doors of the Maison and I must say that her choices were fantastic to say in the least. I LVoe most especially her Mechanic Pearl Bracelet. Here is J's final note in her e-mail: "I will have to email you a picture of our wedding album when it's finished... we have ordered an Azur Cotteville for the case and our photographer is customising an interior so the album can be featured. I hope it will all turn out! " Thanks, Jessica for sharing your wonderful pics. I can't wait to see your wedding album LVoe it!!! This photo is of the glass ceiling of the Champs-Elysees store. I didn't even bother LVooking up when I was there so special thanks for this pic.


  1. You have an incredible collection;
    your gold bag, is stunning and fits you so well.

  2. Thanks Geo, you made my day! Jessica


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