Monday, August 15, 2011

New Epi Colours for January 2012

My darling Sales Associate informed me today that the Epi Collection will have 12-15 NEW colours that are slated to be released at the same time for January 2012. Oy, that's a myriad of colours to choose from! I wonder what they will be. Have you guys heard anything?


  1. OMG, you can't be serious!!! :-O This is such great news! I have always LoVed Epi but could never pick a color that would fit right in with my closet's color palette. I guess I won't have that problem anymore :). Any word on which colors could be comming out?

  2. News to me. I was at an L V shop in Vancouver, BC today the sales associate did tell me that the Artsy will be released this Nov or in January in the Azur finish.

  3. I saw the colors Sunday at the store. Orange, yellow, purple, green, and a few more, I want to say pink also. Its the Alma bag. The big ones.
    Cant wait. They say it will be out Jan 1

  4. I saw the colors Sunday at the store. Orange, yellow, purple, green, and a few more, I want to say pink also. Its the Alma bag. The big ones.
    Cant wait. They say it will be out Jan 1

  5. yes, they will have Orange, yellow, purple ( fig), fuschia, kelly green, light grey, brown, orange red, about 15 colors, will be released on January 13, some colors will be in both Alma and speedy like the Fuschia color, but most will only be released in the Epi Alma. I can't wait!

  6. If you go to the Louis Vuitton store, they should have a little pamphlet with the colors and sample swatches... The style is the Alma (MM and PM)..The colors that stood out (to me) were the Red, Yellow, Kelly Green, Purple, Blue and Orange


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