Disclaimer: I created this blog for the sole purpose of sharing my passion and obsession for the brand that is
Louis Vuitton. I am in no way, shape, or form connected with this company nor its subsidiaries. This is my personal blog and the views and opinions expressed herein represent my own and not those of the people, institutions, or organizations that I may or may not be related to, unless stated explicitly. Also, my thoughts and opinions change from time to time as I learn and develop my understanding regarding the things and issues that I am blogging about. This blog provides a snapshot of the knowledge, views, and opinions that I hold at that particular moment in time and these might change. I reserve the right to evolve my knowledge, thoughts, and viewpoints over time and to change them without assigning any reason. My blog includes links to other sites or blogs operated by third parties. These are provided as a means of convenient access to you for the information or opinion contained therein. I am in no way responsible for the content of any other sites or any products or services that may be offered through other sites. I try my very best to credit photos, articles, or videos that are contained herein. I hope you enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy writing it. Drop me a line
4dluvoflv@gmail.com. Thanks and here's wishing you
I came across your blog, it was #1 search on Google. Than you for sharing your passion and devotion for this luxurious designer brand. I live in Atlanta and we are fortunate enough to have a small LV store locate in Lenox Mall. My experience with this store is very disappointing and frustrating. I think the customer service in that store is the worst I have ever encountered. The other day me and my dad went shopping for some college supplies and I wanted a LV book bag on wheels type of thing. I saw one that I really liked and was thinking of purchasing this product but I also stopped and looked at their new Ipad and iphone case and then I was humiliated. Ever since me and my walked into the store, the security guards were watching us very awkwardly and speaking through their walkies about US so loud that I could hear them. I just let it roll off my shoulder, but then, while I was looking at their iPad cases; I was approached by a security guard and asked to step away from the merchandise because it had drawers. At that point, my jaw dropped to the floor. I could not believe this was happening at a LV store. If they put cases in the middle of the floor, they should LOCK them instead of asking customers to step away. I had never been treated this way in my life. I am a loyal customer to the Versace store at Phipps and they love us in that store and treat us with respect. I am just very angered that after filing 4 complaints no one has had the decency to call me and apologize after my public embarrassment. The reason I wanted to comment on your blog is because I love the company and want to know what feedback you have from them. I used to be a good customer to their store, I bought so many shoes from them; but know I just wish to burn their product. I am so angry with this store! They had so many people in their store, that they could have had an associate ANYWHERE to ensure their merchandise. I have never been treated like a criminal in a designer store. I am just very angry at the store right now.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry that you had to experience that. I would suggest that you contact the Manager of that store and file a complaint directly. So far for me, LV customer service has been fantastic. I hope that you won't be disheartened by your experience. Lots of LVoe.
ReplyDeletethe security guards in no way represent LV. they're a private company hired by LV. the complaint needs to go the security company...
ReplyDeleteUm, why do you carry the purses instead of men's bags... As you well know, they have plenty of options for men.
ReplyDeleteBecause I can! Thank you for your visit!