Monday, July 23, 2007

Worst fear realized at Dallas Airport

I was flying from Dallas to Houston yesterday with my newly acquired Damier Vaslav. I was really happy that I got through the weekend without incident for it. Unfortunately, stupid me, I reserved a seat online at the head of the plane. I usually want to get out of the plane as soon it lands. I didn't realize that the seat faced a wall and there was no place for me to stow my precious cargo. The plane was small and dinky and the Vaslav is too big for the overhead bin. I was horrified when I had to give up my Vaslav and almost fainted in the jetway when I saw them flinging it onto the tarmac. When I got to Houston, I promptly inspected my bag for scratches and true enough, there was a half-an-inch scratch on the canvas. It's barely noticeable because of the damier's visual pattern but still...I kept telling myself that luggage is luggage and they will eventually acquire some wear. I just didn't think it would be this soon. Note: The Damier has 105 marking/square; brown flecks over black background. On the other hand, the light square consists of 105 light brown; 105 dark brown with a black background

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