Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Dallas Postscript

In between rushing to read the Harry Potter books (I just started from the first) and the stress brought about by the scratch on my Vaslav, I have neglected to post my pics of the Vuitton Boutique in Dallas. I have started a goal for myself to go into as many LV boutiques as I possibly can! I wish for it to be a pilgrimage of some sort but not really since I relate this word to spiritual exercises. I should say maybe, it's like visiting an old friend. Instead of collecting snowglobes or little silver spoons, I have decided to collect LV's from the places I go to. So here are pics of the beautiful store in the Galleria, Dallas, Texas. It was my first stop after checking-in at my hotel,July 20, 2007. LVoe it!!!

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