Monday, May 6, 2013

A Weekend in Baltimore and Philadelphia

Seldom do I appreciate the sights and history of the country that has adopted me as one of its own, so when Patricia and her sisters Milly and Andrea came for a visit from Manila; Baltimore and Philadelphia were two historic cities that were top on our list. (after Washington, D.C. of course).
Only a day after seeing the original flag that inspired Francis Scott Key to write the poem "Star Spangled Banner" at the Smithsonian, did we happen to find the actual house where it was sewn.
The Nation's First Cathedral was a mandatory stop for any good Filipino Catholic. 

Baltimore's Harbor boasts a slew of Historic ships. Here we are in front of the USS Torsk.
The following Sunday, we drove up to Philadelphia to see the Liberty Bell...
and Independence Hall where the Declaration of Independence 
and the United States Constitution were  debated and adopted.

Lastly, Philadelphia is known as the City of Brotherly Love and a stop at Robert Indiana's sculpture is a must! LVoe it!!!

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