Saturday, January 9, 2010

Trunks & Tags

After much thought, I finally decided to continue to have Louis Vuitton as my planner for the year. I know that I need to usher myself into the 21st century, but there is something to be said for a good old fashioned agenda. LV did not disappoint because upon opening the package, a newly introduced bookmark resembling a vintage luggage tag fell out. Colorful stickers to pepper the year are also included and printed breaks of historical labels fill the calendar. I just LVoe it and I am so glad that I stayed with them.


  1. This look so cool !! Is this the new design for the 2010 agenda refills ? Do you have product ID for this refill ?

  2. Hi, Anonymous. The product ID is R04100. It's available on the website. Thanks for visiting!

  3. What I still miss in the re-fills are the transparante envelope kinda sheets, where stamps, notes and bills can be stored in.
    I used to have that with my Mulberry and do miss it with my LV agenda.

  4. I've got the refill as well, even though I have an iPhone. I agree with you in that old-fashioned agendas are still so attractive!

  5. Love the details on this one. Congrats!

  6. haha, i have this too. i always have my groom agenda with me. i love writing so it works well.

  7. I got this too...the little stickers are soooo cute!
