Monday, July 6, 2009

From the Hills of Chianti with LVoe

Travelling LV's are my favourite so when Mayy from Singapore sent me these photos, I was ecstatic! She is currently in Italy for a school trip, (LVcky you) and took a photo of Damien as he is basking in the hills of Chianti, Tuscany. Yup, she named her Neverfull who technically is Japanese because she got him at the Osaka boutique. Also she fondly remembers poor, lil' ol Louis Vuitton Lover when she saw the boutique in Florence. Gosh, amidst all the splendors of Italy, she even took time to take a photo in front of it. I am truly humbled. Thanks for sending the photos in, M. LVoe it!!! Ciao bella!


  1. Buona sera bello!

    Awww thanks for that very sweet post! Just wanted to share my LVoe with you and never thot it would be published! Keep LVing on francis!


  2. Of course it will get posted! With fabulous pics as these. Thanks again!!!

  3. Hihi LV Lover :) i'll be going Osaka this October. Are there any limited edition LV goods that's only available in Japan??
    Another LV Luver ;)

  4. Hmm...I don't know for the moment if they have any special items for Japan other than Murakami stuff. Be on the LVookout and update us please. Enjoy your trip!
