Friday, March 6, 2009

Sprouse-ing it up this Spring

Weeks of waiting paid off when I received the call from my local store Manager that my Graffiti Neverfull in orange was waiting for me. Less than two years ago, I purchased a Neverfull when it first came out but was unhappy with the misalignment of the seams. I returned it but never forgot how wonderful it was. Since then, and after several reincarnations, I have been waiting for the perfect Neverfull to catch my fancy and I finally decided that this is the one! I simply threw my Bag Ban for '09 out the window. The only drawback is that it was not made in the U.S.A. and I wish it was, so as to truly pay tribute to one of America's great contemporary artist. . Oh well, I still LVoe it!!! Graffiti Neverfull Tribute Bag for Stephen Sprouse, Saks Fifth Avenue, Chevy Chase, MD, March 6, 2009


  1. congrats! seein this post made me decide once and for all. this afternoon, i'm gonna go to the boutique and sign up for the waiting list. i want one too!

  2. Congrats!!! I love the lining!!! Orange just POPS!!

  3. Thanks, guys. I can't wait to use it.

  4. Very nice!
    Congrats and enjoy.

  5. Big congrats! Isn't this bag just fabulous? Love the orange interior!

  6. Yummy Bag! But I LVoe the green one!

    Greetings from KL!

  7. oh! i LVoe it!

    btw, would you know if there would be other orange graffiti city bags coming soon... i mean aside from those items (speedy, neverfull) currently in the website?

    thanks so much! :)

  8. Hey ba_tings, I think this is it. The Graffitis are Tribute pieces to Sprouse. Currently the LV website is only showing a few, so why not visit so that you can see all the items that have come out. Thanks for visiting my blog!

  9. can I know if graffiti neverful ever does PM and MM sizes?
