Sunday, September 14, 2008

Happy Mooncake Festival!!!

Wow, I simply didn't know! I was reading deluxeduck's live journal and was thrilled to see these on his site: Yummy!!! Especially with the egg in the center. It is truly fortuitous that I got my Mahina only yesterday since the name comes from a Polynesian Lunar Deity! LVoe it!!!


  1. Wow, never in my life would I thought to see these! Louis Vuitton mooncakes? Amazing! Would love to eat one.

  2. amazing......i guess only vip will have it...><

  3. coincidence? i don't think so =P

  4. Hahahaha I got some from the LV girls here last week. They gently ushered me to a quiet area of the shop and shoved a bag of the mooncakes into my hand. I had no idea what they were until the SA explained it to me -- she also explained the hush-hush manner in which she presented them. A group of Taiwanese tourists came into the shop soon after me and the girls were afraid that they might ask for some if they saw! Eh di feeling special ako.
