Monday, August 25, 2008

Stolen Shot: Update to the Suhali Lockit Voyage

I hope LV will forgive me for taking this snapshot in-store. I'm not claiming that it's mine. I just want my readers to see how exagerrated the size of the Lockit Travel is. $5950. LVoe it!!!


  1. It's freakin gorgeous. 'Nuff said. My boutique had this at one point too on display and I had to wipe the drool from my face. LOL.

    And as a side note, I always check in to your blog to see your latest pics and how you are rockin' your LV. Keep it up and don't let some anon. user ruin your day!

  2. Thanks krispin41! It's really a cool piece. Visit again soon!

  3. This is an amazing piece of LV bag! I would want that too!

  4. It's jaw-dropping. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Wow, that bag is so huge it's amazing! You should def get that!

  6. It is indeed! I wish money grew on trees. Hehehhe. Thanks for visiting!

  7. hello from nyc! wow that bag is gigantic. i'm planning on getting the lockit mm. i think it's a decent size for me.


  8. I LVoe the Suhali collection. I just used my L'Ingenieux today. Send me a pic when you get yours. Thanks for stopping by.
