Monday, May 5, 2008


  1. hey there...been an avid reader of ur blog since last October! super love all your post!
    can i ask u somethg regarding ur speedy mirage?? one of my friend is selling off her mirage and i kinda keen to have it...from ur experience, how can u justify whether that mirage is fake @ original?? someone told me that, one way to know it is by observing the mirage pattern itself where the colour transition changes respective to the view/angle your are looking at it true??? appreciate your advice my LVoe-guru ;)

  2. I am no expert in authenticating LV's but definitely the mirage effect is quite unique. It is subtle and not many people notice it at first. The alcantara lining also gives a clue if it is fake or not. Lastly, the hardware of the mirage is bright and shiny. Even my Aquarelle cannot match the exquisite gold that they placed on the Mirage. GoodLVck and update me if you do get it. Thanks for being an avid reader of mine. Visit again soon!

  3. thanx for the advice...really appreciate it alot! will surely update should i get it and definitely visit ur blog.......everyday!!! ;)
