Friday, August 31, 2007

Hold music for 1-866-vuitton

For us who call 1-866 quite often, have you ever wondered what that hold song is in the background? Well, it's by David Grumel and features the voice of Billie Holiday. The title is Magnolias and can be found in his album Beaurivage. Purchase it in LVoe it!!!


  1. thank you very much... it's my pleasure

    David Grumel

  2. OH MY GOSH!!! IS THIS REALLY YOU?!!! OH MY GOSH!!! I LVoe your album!

  3. omg thank you so much.

    found your blog entry via google... and you answered the my question!! thank you so much!!! the song is amazingly hypnotic and beautiful. i didn't want the woman to come back on the line!! i just wanted to sit and listen to the song
