Tuesday, July 17, 2007

What a toxic day!

I found out this morning that I need to take a special exam for work. I rushed to get the paperwork done, including a trip to Ritz Camera to get my photo taken, only to find out that the local testing area here in Virginia has all its slots filled and the next one will not be until August. I booked it anyway. Arriving at home, I decided to research this further and discovered that Dallas and Houston were the nearest testing sites that I could register for this Saturday. I need to take this exam as early as possible so I immediately set the wheels in motion by first getting a refund from the VA testing area, grabbing a fancy, cold coffee drink and Fedex-ing my application overnight to the Dallas Center. For this evening, I need to book a flight, find a hotel, reserve a car and then I'm done! THEN and ONLY THEN can I figure out what Vuitton luggage am I going to bring...

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