Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Eole in Action!

I saw this new addition to the Vuitton collection for the first time in New York City. It looked functional and I like the idea of a hybrid duffel. The wheels run smooth on the ground and there is a handle at the "top" of the bag to grab it with ease. I believe it will also come out in Damier sometime in the fall. The 50 definitely is cabin size but the Eole 60 is a check-in bag. I guess if you fly first class you can get away with the 60. I would be horrified to check in a Vuitton. Something to consider guys. LVoe it!!! Eole 50 $1500 and Eole 60 $1800. Visit Photo credit:

1 comment:

  1. Hey
    I saw 1 of the Eole 50's in Sydney. I am a lover of all things LV but this I wondered about. It has a great "kick pad" so when to protect the bag from when your dragging it along, (something the Pegane doesnt have) & i love the idea of the concelable handle but you have to rummage to find your things. Its not as open and simple as the Pegane to find your stuff. I would like to see these atributes put to the Pegane then id be all over it.
